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16711 E Thirteen Mile Rd, Fraser, MI 48026


Date & Time

Wednesday, Aug 14, 2013 - 10:30am (CST) Central Standard Time


Tuesday, August 6th and Tuesday, August 13th From 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Auction Type

Live On-site, Webcast

Buyer's Premium



In Conjunction With Williams & Lipton Company.

(4) Buildings Filled With Equipment.
(20) Presses From 600-Ton To 60-Ton, SSDC & OBI, Bliss-Minster-Niagara, (8) 300 - 600-Ton SSDC With 84" & 96" Beds, Floor Standing, 1985-1990, Vari-Speed With Feed Lines Up To 30,000# x 40" x .250" Capacity. Tool & Die Repair & Build Area. (16) Fork Lifts To 3,000# Capacity, 25 Welders & Weld Cells.


In Conjunction With Williams & Lipton Company.

(1985) 600-Ton Niagara Straight Side Double Crank Press: Mdl: SC2-600-96-60, S/N 52438, Floor Standing, 60" x 96" Bed Area With, 8" T-Slotted & Tapped, Bolster Plate, 12" Stroke, 44" Shut Height, 16" Slide Adjustment, 20-40 Variable SPM, Air Clutch, 39" Wide Windows, Motors & Controls, Sesco Mdl: 56-242 Servo, Feeding Line, Consisting Of: S/N 21852, 30,000-Pound Capacity, 40' Wide x .250" Max. & 0.060" Minimum, Coil Ramp, Coil Cradle, Peeler Arm, Sesco Servo Straightener, Leveler Feeder, Motors & Controls, PLC Controller, Motors & Controls
(1988) 500-Ton Bliss Straight Side Double Crank Press: Mdl: SC2-500-96-54, S/N H-70381, Floor Standing, 54" x 96" Bed Area With, 8" T-Slotted Bolster Plate, T-Slotted & Tapped Ram, 12" Stroke, 44" Shut Height, 12" Slide Adjustment, 20-40 Variable SPM, Air Clutch, 36" Wide Windows, Motors & Controls, AFI Mdl: AF5, 36" Wide x 24" Stroke x 5" Diameter, Cyliner 5-Roll Pull Through, Straightener Feeder, S/N 870432 (1987), Cabinet Base, Adjustable Legs, -Motors & Controls, AFI Mdl: C 200, 20,000-Pound Capacity x 24" Wide x , 60" OD Motorized Coil Cradle/Straightener, Loop Over & Power, Pinch Coil Cradle/Straightener Feed System, S/N 850528, Motors & Controls, End Debender, Entry & Exit Air, Lift Pinch Rolls
400-Ton CMC Bliss Straight Side 2-Point Press: Mdl: SC2-400-84-48, S/N K-9010-1, Floor Standing, 48" x 84" Bed Area With, 6" T-Slotted Bolster Plate, T-Slotted Ram, 12" Stroke, 27" Shut Height, 10" Slide Adjustment,Air Clutch, 20-40 Strokes Per Minute, Cushions, 25" Wide Windows, Motors & Controls, AFI Mdl: AF5, 24" Wide x 24" Stroke x 5" Diameter, Cylinder Pull Through, Straightener Feeder, S/N 76016 (1976), Cabinet Base, Adjustable Legs, AFI Mdl: C-200, 20,000-Pound Capacity x 24" Wide x 60" OD, Loop Over Power Pinch, Coil Cradle Straightener, Feed System, S/N 78106264 (1964), Motors & Controls, End Debender, Entry & Exit Air Lift Pinch Rolls
(1984) 400-Ton Bliss Straight Side Double Crank Press: Mdl: SC2 400 84-48, S/N H-69892, 487" x 84" Bed Area With 8" T-Slotted Bolster Plate & Ram, T-Slotted & Tapped Ram, 12" Stroke, 44" Shut Height, 10" Slide Adjustment,20-40 Variable SPM, Air Clutch, Cushions, 31" Wide Windows, Motors & Controls, AFI Air Feeds Inc. Mdl: AF5, 24" Wide x 18" Stroke x 5" Diameter Cylinder Pull Through Straightener Feeder S/N 84056 (1984), Cabinet Base, Adjustable Legs, AFI Air Feeds Inc. Mdl: C200, 20,000 Pound Coil Capacity x 24" Wide x 72" Od, Loop Over Power Pinch Coil Cradle Straightener System, S/N 840160 (1984), Entry & Exit Pinch Rolls, End Debender
(3) (1989) 300-Ton Niagara Straight Side Double Crank Presses: Mdl: SE2-300-84-480H, S/N's P-53250, P-53119 & P-53489 , Floor Standing, 48" x 84" Bed Area With 6" T-Slotted Bolster Plate, T-Slotted Ram,8" Stroke, 32" Shut Height, 11" Slide Adjustment, 40-80 Variable Spm, Air Clutch, 32" Wide Windows, Motors & Controls, Feed Equipment AFI Mdl: Af5, 24" Wide x 18" Stroke x 5" Diameter Cylinder Pneumatic Operated Steel Stock Leveler Feeder, S/N 850524 (1985), Cabinet Base, Adjustable Legs, Coil Matic Mdl: Cc-1260-P, 12" Wide x 6,000-Pound Coil x 60" OD Loop Over Uncoiler System, S/N 87520, Motors & Controls, Feed Equipment AFT Mdl: AF4, 18" Wide x 18" Stroke x 5" Diameter Cylinder Pneumatic Operated Steel Stock Leveler Feeder, S/N 77035, Cabinet Base, Adjustable Legs, AFI Mdl: C100, 1,000-Coil Capacity x 24" Wide x 60" OD Coil Cradle, Power Leveler, Pinch Loop Over Feeder System, S/N 76016, End Debender, Pinch Rolls, Motors & Controls, Feed Equipment AFT Mdl: AF4, 36" Wide x 18" Stroke x 5" Diameter Cylinder Pull Through Straightener Feeder S/N 880216 (1988), Cabinet Base, Adjustable Legs, Sesco Mdl: 56-63, 10,000-Pound Coil Capacity x 26" Wide x .180" Coil Cradle, Power Pinch Straightener, Loop Over Feeder System, Variable Speed Drive, Motors & Controls, S/N 105862
(1990) 300-Ton Bliss Straight Side Double Crank Air Clutch 2-Point Twin Driven Press: Mdl: SC2-300-84X48, S/N H-70616, 50-Hp Motor & Controls, Floor Standing, 48" x 84" Bed Area With 8" T-Slotted Bolster Plate, T-Slotted Ram 8" Stroke, 40" Shut Height, 10" Slide Adjustment, 35-70 Variable SPM, 33 1/2" Wide Windows, Air Feeds Mdl: AF-5, 24" Wide x 24" Stroke x 5" Diameter Cylinder Pull Through Straightener Feeder, S/N 840912, Cabinets Base, Adjustable Legs, 6,000-Pound Feed Lease 18" Wide x 48" OD Loop Over Coil Cradle
300-Ton Bliss Straight Side Double Crank Press: Mdl: S2-300-60-36, S/N H32339, Floor Standing, 36" x 60" Bed Area With 6" T-Slotted Bolster Plate, T-Slotted Ram, 14" Stroke, 23" Shut Height, 7" Slide Adjustment, 30" Strokes Per Minute, Air Clutch, 25" Wide Windows, Motors & Controls
300-Ton Bliss Straight Side Double Crank Press: Mdl: 18 (38X54), Floor Standing, 38" x 54" Bed Area With 3" Tapped Bolster Plate, 12" Stroke, 18 3/4" Shut Height, 30 Strokes Per Minute,18" Wide Windows, Motors & Controls
300-Ton Bliss Straight Side Double Crank Press: Mdl: S2-300-60-36, S/N H32343, 36" x 60" Bed Area With 6" T-Slotted Bolster Plate, T-Slotted Ram, 14" Stroke, 38" Shut Height, 7" Slide Adjustment, Air Clutch, 25" Wide Windows, Motors & Controls
245-Ton Minster Straight Side Double Crank Press: Mdl: 50-7 1/2-60, S/N 50-7 1/2-4450, Floor Standing, 48" x 60" Bed Area With 4" T-Slotted Bolster Plate, Air Clutch, 7" Stroke, Approx. 24" Shut Height, 14" Slide Adjustment, 16" Wide Windows, Motors & Controls, Afi Mdl: Af 5, 12" Wide x 24" Stroke x 5" Diameter Cylinder Pneumatic Operated Steel Stock Leveler Feeder, S/N 5798, Cabinet Base, Adjustable Legs, American Steel Line #1000, 20,000-Pound Coil x 36" Wide x 60" OD Motorized Uncoil Reel S/N 7989 (1987), (2) Keepers, Hold Down Arm, Backing Plate, Hydraulic Expansion, Motors & Controls
200-Ton Bliss Straight Side Double Crank Press: Mdl: S2-200-60-42, S/N CN-23-42, Floor Standing, 42" x 60" Bed Area With 6" T-Slotted & Tapped Bolster Plate, Air Clutch, 12" Stroke, 32" Shut Height, 10" Slide Adjustment, 30 Spm, 25" Wide Windows, Motors & Controls, Feed Lease 24" Wide x 24" Stroke x 5" Diameter Cylinder Pneumatic Operated Steel Stock Power Feeder, Adjustable Legs, Rowe Mdl: 11C30HD -C12000J, 12,000-Pound Coil x .190" Max.-0.030" Minimum x 32" Wide Combination Coil Cradle & Straightener Leveler, S/N 19037, Motors & Controls, Entry & Exit Air Lift Pinch Rolls
Bliss Straight Side Double Crank Press: Mdl: #6, S/N T-34464-1, 26" x 33" Bed, Air Clutch
105-Ton Bliss Straight Side Single Crank Press: Mdl: 85 1/2S, S/N CN 1993, 26" x 26" Bed Area With 3" Tapped Bolster Plate, Tapped Ram, 16" Stroke, Air Clutch, 21" Shut Heights, 4" Slide Adjustment, Air Counter Balance, Motors & Controls, American Steel Line Co. Mdl: 60, 6,000-Pound Coil Reel Capacity x 24" Wide x 48" OD Motorized Uncoil Reel S/N 7256 (1984), Motors & Controls

123-Ton Bautar Air Clutch Open Back Inclinable Press: 23" x 33" Bed Area With 3" T-Slotted Bolster Plate, 12" Stroke, 18" Shut Height, 4" Slide Adjustment, 35 70 Variable SPM, Motors & Controls
100-Ton Warco Air Clutch Open Back Inclinable Press: S/N 50124, Floor Standing, 28" x 40" Bed Area With 3" Tapped Bolster Plate, 6" Stroke, 18" Shut Height, 6" Slide Adjustment, 40 SPM, Motors & Controls
(1964) 75-Ton Minster Open Back Inlcinable Press: Mdl: 7F S/N 7F-14652, 24" x 36" Bed Area With 3" Tapped Bolster Plate, 6" Stroke, 16" Shut Height, 4" Slide Adjustment, 90 SPM, Air Clutch, Motors & Controls
60-Ton Johnson Open Back Inclinable Back Geared Press: 28" x 40" Bed Area With 2" Tapped Bolster Plate, 5" Stroke, Minster Air Clutch, 13" Shut Height, 4" Slide Adjustment, Cushions, Motors & Controls
60-Ton Minster Open Back Inclinable Press: Mdl: #6, S/N 6-13015, 21" x 32" Bed, 90 180 Spm, 4" Stroke, 3" Adjustment, 13" Shut Height, Air Cluch, Motors & Controls

RPT Auto Weld Fanuc 100I, Robot Mate Robot Head Tooling Weld Cell System: R-J3, Controller, Fixtures, Torch Tender, Miller Power Suppliers, Enclosure
Weld Cell Consisting Of: Lincoln Invertec Power Wake Power Supplier & Leads, Fanuc R-J2, Robot Welder & Controller, Head Tooling, Torch Tender Crib Enclosure, Fixture Transfer Stand, Welding Cables & Leads
Tech Line Weld Cell #00083/R2, Fixture Stand: S/N 60083-02, Enclosure, Leads, Fanuc Mdl: R-J3, Robot & Controller, Head Tooling, Joystick, Torch Tender. Controller, Lincoln Square Wave Power Supplier, Welding Cables & Leads
RPT Auto Weld Cell, Consisting Of: Miller Robotic Interface System, Torch Tender, Head Tooling, Leads, Fanuc Robot & Controller R-J, Joystick, Dial Fixture Index Table, Fixtures, Welding Cables & Leads (2) GMF Robotic Controller, Lincoln Mdl: DC-400, Welder Lincoln Mdl: CV-300, Welder Supplier Lincoln Mdl: DC 400, Supplier

Spot Welders
Special Built, Engineered & Designed 5-Head Spot Welder
Special Built, Engineered & Designed 4-Head Horizontal Opposed Spot Welder
(2) Special Built, Enigneered & Designed 4-Head Welders: With (2) Bowl Feeders
Special Built, Engineered & Designed 3-Head Vertical Spot Welder
Special Built, Engineered & Designed 2-Head Vertical Spot Welder
Special Built, Engineered & Designed 2-Head Spot Welder
Special Built, Engineered & Designed 2-Head Spot Welder
Taylor Winfield Spot Welder
 Sciaky Spot Welder
Taylor Winfield Water Cooled Spot Welder

Miller Mdl: 330A-BP, 300-Amp Capacity Portable Wire Feed Arc Welder: S/N JB579218, Welding Cables & Leads
Miller Mdl: 330A-BP, 300-Amp Capacity AC/DC Gas Welder: S/N R387376, Miller Cooling Unit, Welding Cables & Leads
Miller Mdl: CP-300, 300-Amp Capacity DC Portable Wire Feed Arc Welder: S/N JF910525
Miller Mdl: CP-250, 250-Amp Capacity Portable Wire Feed Arc Welder
Miller Mdl: CP-200, 200-Amp Capacity Wire Feed Portable Arc Welder
Fanuc Arc Mate 100, Robot Nortronics Special Built, Engineered & Designed Welder
(2) Portable 2-Tank Oxygen/Acetylene Cutting Outfits
Miller Robotic Interface Welder
(7) Fanuc Welders Miller Welder

(1995) Acer Mdl: AGS-1224 AHD, 12" x 24" Automatic Surface Grinder: S/N 968859045, 12" x 24" Electro Magnetic Chuck, Dresser, Hydraulics, Power Down Feed, Independent Coolant System, Independent Hydraulic System,
(1977) Reid Mdl: No. HR, 6" x 18" Capacity Hand Feed Surface Grinder: S/N 21063, 6" x 18" Chuck
 Covel 6" x 18" Capacity Hand Feed Surface Grinder
(1964) Parker Majestic Mdl: #2, 6" x 18" Capacity Hand Feed Surface Grinder: S/N 1529-SC-64C, 6" x 18" Chuck,
 LSC Industrial 6" x 18" Hand Feed Surface Grinder
(1999) Kent Mdl: SGS-816, 6" x 12" Capacity Hand Feed Surface Grinder: S/N 88381, 6" x 12" Chuck

National Mdl: NA5212, 52" Wide x 12-Gauge Capacity Light Gauge Sheet Metal Shear: S/N 188 0301
(1965) Dreis & Krump Mdl: S-814 8' x 14-Gauge Capacity Hand Operated Apron Brake: S/N 302921

(2) Bridgeport Series I, 2-HP Vertical Milling Machines: S/N's 2607442 (1992) & S/N 183007 (1977), 9" x 48" Power Feed Table, 2-Axis Digital Readout System
Induma Plain Vertical Milling Machine: Swivel Vertical Head, 16" x 75" Plain Power Feed Table, Power Feed Knee, 30-1,500 RPMS, Coolant System, Stops

American "Hole Wizard" 5' Arm x 13" Column Radial Arm Drill: Power Elevation, 15-1,200 RPMS, T-Slotted Base Table, Box Table
(2) Powermatic Mdl: 1200, 20" Capacity Pedestal Type Drill Presses: S/N's 66-1764 (1966) & 1-2023-1,
Edlund Mdl: 4f12, 24" Capacity Drill Press: S/N 65859 (1965), Power Feed Quill Travel, 18" x 22" Table, Motors & Controls
(5) Special Built, Engineered & Designed (Drill Unit) Vertical Ettco Multi Spindle Drilling Systems: Fixture Plate, Indexer, Feeder, Controller, Lead Screw, Coolant System
(2) Buffalo Pedestal Type Drill Presses

Jet Mdl: No. 13GHB-1340, 13" x 40" CC Capacity Quick Change Geared Head Engine Lathe: S/N 707Z672, Power Feed Saddle, Thread Chasing Dial, 70 2,000 RPMS, 1" Hole Thru Spindle, Lubrication System, Cabinet Base
(1969) Clausing Colchester Mdl: 8000, 15" x 48" CC Capacity Quick Change Geared Head Engine Lathe: S/N 6-0015-01052, Power Feed Saddle, Thread Chasing Dial, 25-2,000 Spindle RPMS, 2 1/4" Hole Thru Spindle, Coolant System

Wells Mdl: 9W, 9" x 18" 2-Post Capacity Horizontal Metal Cutting Band Saw: S/N 4989, Vise, Coolant System
(2) Powermatic Mdl: 87, 24" Capacity Vertical Contour Metal Cutting Band Saws: S/N's 3–3930 & 9197039 (1991)
(3) Roll In All Purpose Portable Vertical Band Saws: S/N's 96083EF, 91178EF & N/A

Wilton Mdl: 4200, Combination 6" Wide x 12" Horizontal Sander: S/N 09856
Powermatic Mdl: 30B, 6" Wide x 12" Height Sander
(1993) Powermatic Mdl: 30B, 12" Horizontal Disc & 6" Wide Vertical Belt Sander: S/N 9330103
(2) Central 6" Wide Sanders

United Mdl: QS-5362, P/C Based 2-Post Tension Tester: S/N 990533
Harshaw Mdl: 21, Environmental Salt Spray Testing Machine/Chamber: S/N 04183
E-Z Bench Type Hand Operated Tap Extractor Versitron Bench Type Diamond Tipped Hardness Tester: S/N 1896
Black 36" x 72" x 6" Granite Surface Plate On Steel Stand
Black 36" x 48" Granite Surface Plate On Steel Stand

(1999) Leroi Mdl: We-150SSIIA, Packaged 150-Hp Capacity Skid Style Rotary Screw Air Compressor: S/N 4200X134
Leroi Mdl: We-100SSIIA, Packaged 100-Hp Capacity Rotary Screw Skid Style Air Compressor: S/N 4227X46
Curtis Mdl: D97, 10-Hp Capacity Vertical Tank Mounted Air Compressor: S/N D9745G95046AP
Curtis Mdl: C79, 7 1/2-Hp Capacity Vertical Tank Mounted Air Compressor: S/N C79-11D-98001BU
Industrial Air Machine 3-Hp Capacity Vertical Tank Mounted Air Compressor

(1989) Chevrolet Diesel 60 Custom Deluxe 5-Yard Dump Truck: VIN 1GBJ6D1F8KV105246, NBC Heil Dump (SL5Y09) Body, Minute Mount Plow System
Chevrolet Kodiak Cat Diesel Hwy. Tractor: VIN 1GBP7h1J2TJ105257
Chevrolet Mdl: C6500, Single Axle Stake Truck Fruehauf Mdl: FB9-1-5F248-LLW1-5, 48' x Tandem Axle Hwy. Trailer: VIN 1H2VD482XHA009501
(1995) Trail Mobile Mdl: 01JA-1RAL, 48' x Tandem Axle Hwy. Trailer: VIN 1PT01JAH1T9003884
Utility Tandem Axle 48' Slider Hwy. Trailer

Caterpillar Mdl: T300, 30,000-Pound Capacity x 159" Lift LP Gas Fork Lift Truck: S/N 71l621
Hyster Mdl: S80XL2, 8,600-Pound Capacity x 120" Lift LP Gas Fork Lift Truck: S/N D004d09329X
Hyster Mdl: S150A, Space Saver 8,500-Pound Capacity x 232" Lift LP Gas Fork Lift Truck: S/N AD24D 41302
(2) Hyster Mdl: S80XL, 8,000-Pound Capacity x 120" Lift LP Gas Fork Lift Trucks: S/N's D004D08586X (2000) & D004D09868X
(1998) Hyster Mdl: S80XL, 8,000-Pound Capacity x 172" Lift LP Gas Fork Lift Truck: S/N D004D05601V, Hard Tires, Side Shift, Over Head Guard, Motors & Controls
Clark Mdl: C500-80, 8,000-Pound Capacity x 123" Lift LP Gas Fork Lift Truck: S/N 685-85-3841178
(3) Hyster Mdl: S80XL, 8,000-Pound Capacity x 120" Lift LP Gas Fork Lift Trucks: S/N's D004D08574X (2000), D004V08249R, (1994) & D004V05709N (1992)
(1996) Hyster Mdl: S80XL, 8,000-Pound Capacity x 172" Lift LP Gas Fork Lift Truck: S/N D004V02433T
Toyota 8,000-Pound Capacity LP Gas Fork Lift Truck
Hyster Mdl: S80XL, 8,000-Pound Capacity x 172" Lift LP Gas Fork Lift Truck: S/N D004V10021S
(2) Clark Mdl: C500-55, 5,500-Pound Capacity x 130" Lift LP Gas Fork Lift Truck: S/N's 355-142–5128 & 355-0124-5271fA
(1983) Clark Mdl: C500-55, 5,500-Pound Capacity x 150" LP Gas Fork Lift Truck: S/N 355-142-5123

(1990) Case Mdl: 1840, "Uni-Loader" Skid Steer Loader: S/N JAF0046969, Bucket Attachment
MT Clemens Crane 15-Ton Capacity 6-Way 2-Speed Double Girder Top Running Pendant Controlled Bridge Crane: Nut & Bolt Floor Mounted Super Structure, Approx. 45' Span
NSS Wrangler 3330, 30" Wide Electric Walk Behind Floor Cleaning Machine: Charger
NSS Champ "ZS29" 29" Wide Capacity Electric Rider Floor Cleaning Machine
Economy Bare Cat 900-Pound Capacity Electric Man Lift Platform
(2) Scale Systems Consisting Of: Diamond Plate Floor Pad, NCI Digital Readout System,
(6) LEE-EEN-Presto Mdl: SRT-40, 2,000-Pound Capacity Tilt Hopper Lifters
(5) Hydraulic Hand Operated Pallet Jacks
(3) LEE-Presto Hopper Tilt Lift Table Systems
Approx. 650 Stackable Parts Tubs

Office Equipment Consisting Of: Personal Computers, Printers, Fax Machine, Assorted Copy Machines, Desks, Tables, Cabinets, Chairs, Supplies, Hewlett Packard Plotter, Blue Print Machine, (2) Misc. Plotters, Server Not Included, Telephone System, Personal Computer, Printer, Desks, Counter, Cabinets, Chair, File Cabinets, Steel Formica Top Desks, Wood Tables, Modular Work Stations, Swivel Base Chairs, Wall Mounted Fabric Covered Partition Units With Cabinets, Tables, Steel Legal File Cabinets, Blue Print File Cabinets, Bookcases, Wood Executive Desk, Personal Computer Work Stations, Round Tables, Printer Stands, Steel Supply Cabinets, Wood Bookcases, Computers, Printers, Fax Machine, Typewriters, Copy Machine, Telephone System, Server, Switch Gear, Etc.

Shop Equipment/Machine Accessories/Precision & Inspection Consisting Of: Shop Personal Computer Stations, Shop Copy Machine, Hydraulic Units, Machine Skates, No Identifying Name 6" / Double End Bench Type Grinder, Fireproof Paint Storage Cabinets, Dust Collectors, Steel Shelving Units, Steel Double Door Supply Cabinets, Steel Tool Stands, Steel Drill Cabinets, Steel Small Parts Cabinets, Steel Bar Stock Racks, Ladders, Banding Outfit, Welding Outfits With Tanks, Carts, Portable Coolant Unit, C-Clamps, Bar Clamps, Dip Tanks, Work Lights, Air Hose, Quality Control Equipment & Supplies, Platform Scale, Pumps, Electric Motors, Pedestal Fans, Letter & Number Sets, Stock & Die Sets, Cribbing, Fire Extinguishers, Small Hand Tools, Chain , Time Clock With Racks, Water Coolers, Bench Vises, Etchers, Work Benches, Steel Parts Bins, Steel Inventory, Tooling, Supply Cabinets, Tool Crib, Foremans Desk, Air Tools, Bolt Cutters, Pipe Wrenches, Pipe Threading Tools, Open End & Box Wrenches, Electric Drills, Sanders, Screw Drivers, Hydraulic Jacks, Heavy Duty Extension Cords, Electric Motors, Portable Tool & Supply Carts, Lead Hammers, Portable Lubrication Unit, Gear Motors, Electrical Maintenance Supplies, Double End Mills, End Mill Sets, Counter Bores, Adjustable Reamers, Carbide Inserts, Inserted Blade Milling Centers, Carbide Boring Tools, Keyway Cutters, High Speed Taps, Keyway Broach Sets, Taper Shank Drills, High Speed Drills, Diamond Wheels, Tool Bits, Diamond Dressers, Taps, Dowel Pins, Cap Screws, Saw Blades, Air & Hydraulic Cylinders, Fittings, Shim Stock, Punches, Transfer Screw, Nuts, Bolts, Fixtures, Work Tables & Benches, Fittings, Welding, Cleaning & Maintenance Supplies, Chucks, Taps, End Mills, Drills, Sanding Belts, Lubes, Saw Blades, Vise, Steel Stock, Torches, Chain, Collets , Slings, Jaws, Tool Post Holders, Welding Cables, Height Gages, Scribes, Drill Chucks, Keys, Grinding Supplies, Plates, Tennant Floor Cleaner, Rexon Controllers, Preston Eastin System, Conveyors, Motors, Disassembled Scale, Fanuc Controllers, Rotary Rivet, Etc.

Quality Vibratory Bowl Feeder
(5) Assorted Style Parts Extraction Motorized Conveyors
Oil Lube Farm, Consisting Of: (2) Tanks, Pipe Work, Pumps, Etc.
Zep Pride Electric Parts Cleaning Tank
DCE Unimaster Self Contained Dust Collector System
Ceiling Mounted Fume Collection System
Rotary Mdl: SP09N300, 2-Post 9,000-Pound Lift Capacity Hydraulic Car Hoist: S/N AMS01k0084
(1967) Dake Mdl: 5-075, 75-Ton Capacity 2-Post H-Frame Adjustable Bed Hydraulic Press: S/N 157622
Trinco Mdl: 36-ER, 36" x 2-Hold Capacity Dry Blast Cabinet: S/N 28047-5, Dust Collector
Fury II Portable Pressure Wash System
Baldor Mdl: 8107W, 8" x 3/4-Hp Capacity Double End Pedestal Type Grinder: S/N P1–95
Sunnex Mdl: 5001, 6" Capacity Double End Pedestal Type Grinder: Motors & Controls
Yard Equipment Consisting Of: Plastic Tubs, Corregated Tubs, Misc. Tubs, Die Washer (Not In Service), Trash Compactor, Oil Can, Misc. Motors & Controls, Racks & Dies
Shop Equipment Consisting Of: Floor Mats, Chains, Welding Screens, Welding Supplies, Cabinets, Maintenance Supplies,
Crib Storage Area Consisting Of: Chutes, Boxes/Baskets, Stands, Tables, Slot Attachment, Magnetic Conveyor, (2) Stock Guides, Rexcon & Vibratory Bowl Feeder, Sesco Control Panels, Drill, Robotic Tooling